Bangladesh Corner: Discover Bangladesh

Today on the eve of 26th March, the Independence Day of Bangladesh, we are happy to launch Bangladesh Corner, a page intended to draw a true picture of the country. The page is dedicated to the Martyrs, Birangonas and all the Freedom Fighters.


Bangladesh has a lot to be proud of. The glorious history, the language, culture, the scenic beauties, achievements and the prospects, we have tried to point on these in the page. The motto of the page is to Brand Bangladesh Better.


In the page, we tried to collect various online resources, and show those in an appropriate way. We have listed the original sources of all the materials we have used. Our greatest thanks to the creators of those materials.


It is very unfortunate that many people do not know much about the ever green country. Some of them even have a negative perception about the country. We wish to point on this issue. This is not a country of flood, corruption and poverty. The country has a good many things, which none does. There are also a good many achievements which only a few others pose. We hope that after visiting the page, everyone, who are illiterate about the country, will be amazed of the true prospects of it.


We would continuously review the materials and try to find even better ones. Any help on this would be highly appreciated. We also politely request for comments about the page. Please do write us your feedback to or use the contact us page in the site. Best regards to all the readers. Happy Independence Day!!!


7 responses to “Bangladesh Corner: Discover Bangladesh”

  1. Avatar

    This is a patriotic step. Very well. Go ahead. Wish your best of luck.

  2. Avatar

    this a great idea , most of us don’t know about our history.By this page foreigner will know about our country. We have lots of assets but matter of sorrow that many of us don’t know about that. We must know and share our beautiful country outside so that we can earn foreign currency. thank you.

    1. Didar Avatar

      Thanks. Not foreign currency is important here, self respect, dignity is the key, I believe.

      1. Selly Avatar

        সিএনএন হিরো নমিনেশন ফর্মের দেশের তালিকায় বাংলাদেশ নেই৷ এর কারণ জানতে কয়েকদিন আগে ই-মেল করেছিলাম সিএনএন এর কাছে৷ আজকে উত্তর আসলো৷ আদার অপশন সিলেক্ট করেই বাংলাদেশ থেকে নোমিনেশন প্রদান করা যাবে৷ সিএনএন লিখেছে, There are so many countries that we just can’t dncluie them all in the pull down on the form. Just use the option other (it’s listed first in the pull down). Bangladesh is not listed among the voided countries.

  3. muhib Avatar

    most appreciating. go ahead

    1. ShapTak Avatar


      1. pinok Avatar

        a very very sputid sputid analysis full of hatredouldbanglash is a bery very dear brotherly country with pakistan.we pakistani love bangladeshi nation,will love them for ever.but this indian propaganda machine would be unsuccessful INSHALLAH.they should understand this was a cricket match.long live pakistan and long live bangladesh.

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